If you are unhappy about being made redundant or losing your job unexpectedly and are at a loss for what to do next, here is my advice:
Don’t rush head-first into the job hunting process!
Crazy advice right?!
But losing your job when it was not a choice you wanted, can be a painful experience to go through.
So give yourself some time and space to grieve for the job that you’ve just lost, because that’s potentially what it is a grieving process. It may be a small grieving process; it may be a big one.
How big or small that is depends on how long you’ve been there and what you’re walking away from and how ready you were to walk away in the first place.
Appreciate that you’ve not only lost the work you were doing, but you’ve lost the income and the daily interactions with the close network of friends and colleagues that you had at work.
So, allow yourself space and time to process the emotions that can come with grieving the loss of a job.
If you’ve been made redundant, you may have had a financial pay out, or you may have savings to fall back on, which means financially you’ve got some breathing space to take some time out and be kind to yourself.
Just rest, recoup, and recover from having lost a job that you were used to doing (5 days a week).
Then when you feel ready to be optimistic again about work, reach out for help to find your next dream job.
Need help with your next career move?
Call Angela Couch (Career Coach NZ) on 0226467818 or email angela@careerinspiration.nz to book a free consultation.