Career Blog

Angela Couch is a Career Coach in Auckland and around New Zealand. If you’re looking to change jobs or completely change career path then Angela can help.

Do I need a Cover Letter when applying for a job - career coach Auckland

Why Cover Letters Are Essential and How To Approach Writing Them

As a career coach, I often get asked, “Do I really need a cover letter?” My answer is always the same: absolutely, yes! A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself, demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role, and explain why the organisation excites you. Here’s how I approach writing an effective cover letter: Be

Why Cover Letters Are Essential and How To Approach Writing Them Read More »

Why people get stuck in their career and struggle to make a change- career coach in Auckland

Why do people get stuck in their jobs and struggle to make a change in their career?

I want to talk about why people get stuck in their jobs and struggle to make a change and move forward in their career.  This short video can help: One of the reasons people get stuck and don’t move forward is that they struggle to find the time. They’re so busy working in their job

Why do people get stuck in their jobs and struggle to make a change in their career? Read More »