how do I know if I have made the right career choice - Career Inspiration NZ career coach

How do you know if you have made the right career choice?

If you love your job, and you know that this is where you want to be and it’s what you want to be doing then you have definitely made the right career choice!

If you’re not feeling certain about this, then maybe you have doubts.

As a career coach, I can help you explore what those doubts are, why they’re coming up for you, and what you can do about it.

Seeing potential for future career development and growth is often an important factor to consider when making a career decision. Are there opportunities for:

  • promotion
  • education
  • specialisation
  • senior levels of management

But what the right career looks like really depends on what you value and what kind of work you find fulfilling.

The first place we would start is to look at what it is you value the most, and how those values show up for you at work.

Are any values missing in your current job that you would like to be able to express at work?

If there’s a mismatch, misalignment or something missing entirely, then we can look at ways that these can be introduced into your current job. We can look at finding other opportunities that would be more satisfying for you within your career.

If you are currently contemplating this question, whether you have made the right choice in your career, then it is likely that there are concerns about your career that need to be addressed.

As a career coach, I can help you explore what those issues are, how you can address them, and whether the values that are potentially missing can be introduced into your daily work.

This will enable you to start living your values in your workplace the way you want to.

Need help with your next career move?
Call Angela Couch (NZ Career Coach) on 0226467818 or email to book a free consultation.

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