why do people struggle to make the leap into a better career - auckland career coach

Why do people struggle to make the leap up into a better career?

One reason is often a lack of vision. Being unable to see opportunities for professional growth within their own career.

It is very easy to get caught up in what is going on right in front of you and not be able to see opportunities that exist to move forward, even when you know that stepping up into a better job will make you happier.

When you are so busy in your daily routine working fulltime hours, it can be extremely difficult to simply have the time to focus on taking that leap up into a better career.

When you want to create space to step back and look at the bigger picture, look at what opportunities currently exist and what opportunities you can reach out for as well as exploring who you can ask for help.

That is when career coaching is so valuable, having someone who will hold that space for you and maintain that focus on what it is you really want to be doing in your career.  

Okay, so what can I do on my own if I want to change careers, but I just don’t know where to start?

  • Start where you are.

What do you like about your current job? What appeals to you?

What opportunities exist in your current organisation?

That’s where you start, and then you build on that, you expand your perspective.

  • You may consider what else exists within your industry?

If you don’t know which industry you want to work in, that’s ok a professional career coach can help you explore new opportunities.

  • Look at your existing network.

Who are the people in your existing professional network that appeal to you? What do you like about them? Do you like them for personal reasons, or do you like what they do? If you like what they do, have a chat with them, find out more about their career.

This stage is really about information gathering as a starting point, a discovery of what else is out there and what else appeals to you.

If you feel you are struggling to make the leap up into a better career a good place to start is by answering these three simple questions  

  1. What do I like?
  2. What seems interesting to me?
  3. What’s new and exciting out there that I haven’t tried before?

That’s where you start with open and genuine curiosity about what you enjoy and what else may exist out there for you.

Still struggling with moving your career forward?

Career Inspiration is here to help. Call Angela Couch (Career Coach in Auckland) on 0226467818 or email angela@careerinspiration.nz to discuss your next career move.

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